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We have gone all out for Christmas 2022, expanding our festive display which is free for the local community. Within our show stopping display you’ll find a life size Christmas train (just like the polar express) which is parked up at our very own station platform, this magical train has proved very popular amongst the kids of Sussex, who love to jump in and have a photo amongst the twinkly lights.
Walk further and you’ll discover endless Christmas decorations organised by decorating themes and colours. We also have arguably one of the biggest Gonk selections in Sussex. In Gonk Land you’ll find light up gonks, giant gonks, gonk families, you name it. We have also expanded our festive food range as part of UpCountry Fresh. Our shop is bursting with Christmas treats and delicious gifts.
This year we have launched our ‘‘Hope Tree’ featuring rainbow coloured baubles and lighting, for every bauble sold we are committed to donating 1 to our chosen charity The Cuckfield Stroke Association and Parkinsons Group.
Santa’s Grotto
This weekend we also have Santa coming to visit! Tickets are only £6 with all proceeds going to the charities above. Please see below our Santa’s grotto dates. There is no need to book, just turn up on the day!
Santa’s Grotto Dates:
Saturday 26th November - 10 am - 4.30pm
Sunday 27th November - 10 am - 3.30pm
Saturday December 3rd - 10 am - 4.30pm
Sunday December 4th - 10 am - 3.30pm
Saturday December 10th - 10 am - 4.30pm
Sunday December 11th - 10 am - 3.30pm
Saturday December 17th - 10 am - 4.30pm
Sunday December 18th - 10 am - 3.30pm