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During your recent trip to our garden centre, you may have noticed a lot of building work taking place behind our cafe. Well, lots of exciting things have been happening behind the scenes here and we’re pleased to announce our next venture that’s only just around the corner.
In a few weeks' time, a brand new building will be born at UpCountry, which is soon to be our new events venue! Following the success of some smaller events we’ve hosted, throughout the last few months we wanted to expand our horizons and host some bigger and better events, which will run seasonally throughout the year. (You’ll find out about these very soon).
Our first event kicks off on September 2nd, The Freshtival and Makers Market will bring together and support local independent artisan producers and creators to reach local customers. Our new style pop-up style event will showcase a wide range of truly unique traders offering quality, handmade, artisan goods, delicious food & drink, and amazing art & crafts.
This will be a free event, and we’re hoping to host around 50 stall holders, all with something impressive to offer. There will be more information to follow soon but make sure you keep the 2nd of September free in your diary, as it’s not to be missed!